荻窪駅北口の先、「教会通り」を抜けた先にあるマンション。 教会通りの商店街は新旧の個性豊かな店が軒を並べており、 通りは暖かな雰囲気で包まれており、行き通う人々を穏やかな気持ちにさせてくれる。 その先にあるこのマンションの部屋は落ち着きはらった色彩で染められており、住まう人に対して穏やかな生活を与えてくれる。
下井草の街にひときわ目立つシンボルの名に相応しいマンション、この最上階の三方角住戸からの眺望は遥か見渡す限りの空。 この街の多くは低層住居専用地域から構成される住宅地で、駅前の商業施設の中でも群を抜く高さからは遮るものが無い。 日々の暮らしのアクセントは眺望、通風、日差し、高層階の醍醐味が手に入る住戸がリノベーションを終えてお披露目です。
初台駅…「東京オペラシティ」と「新国立劇場」が直結しており、アーティスティックな場所としても有名である。 そんな芸術溢れる街に1つの作品が生まれようとしている。 白を基調とした、この作品は街に新たな色をを与えてくれるだろう。
3つのベッドルームとリビングが完全に独立したタイプの設計で、エントランスホールを挟んで2つのパウダールームが特徴的、 入浴とシャワーの使い分けで家族の異なる生活スタイルをカバーし、個々の時間と家族の団らんを演出する。 何処のお部屋の窓からも樹木の緑が目に映る三方角のレイアウト、手入れの行き届いた中庭に隣接の江古田の森公園、心落ち着く住戸です。
7階角住戸のリビングからの眺望は、南と東の空を見渡すViewpoint、普段の生活で過ごす空間から都庁やスカイツリーが視界に入る解放感に今日も満足。 京王線と井の頭線の2路線を使いこなす「明大前」駅徒歩圏の生活は、通勤通学の足にも満足。 パントリーやサニタリーの収納、廊下にもクローゼットなど多収納が暮らしを支え、リビングの床暖房がぬくもりを与える。 ペットも同居できるお二人様、子育て3人様に是非。
練馬駅のシンボルマンション、その最上階を覗いて見ませんか? 練馬区役所とは直結、さらに練馬駅へは徒歩3分で辿りつき、アクセスが非常に良好な場所です。 住戸内は柱・梁が無いため、圧迫感がなく、すっきりとしており、インテリアコーディネートが捗るでしょう。 バルコニーへ向かえば、高さ116mからの景色を見ることが出来るという贅沢な最上階住戸です。
眠らない街東京、その中でも有数なエリアの新宿区… 賑わう人々の喧騒、鮮やかな街中の灯り、それらを抜けたこの高層の位置はそれらを一種の景色と変貌します。 この高層から見渡す家族と景色を想像してみて下さい。
Notice (8): Undefined variable: area_results_member [APP/Template/Element/search_Area_Railway.ctp, line 89]Code Context<?php
foreach($area_results_member as $key => $dat){
$viewFile = '/data/WWW/rainbow/test.life-hf.co.jp/htdocs/src/Template/Element/search_Area_Railway.ctp' $dataForView = [ 'Objects' => object(Cake\ORM\ResultSet) { 'items' => [ [maximum depth reached] ] }, 'sortcmd' => (int) 2, 'selectName' => 'ペットと暮らせるマンション', 'kindcmd' => (int) 4, 'area_results' => [ (int) 0 => [ 'area_id' => '1', 'name' => '杉並区', 'Ct' => '40', 'CtM' => '16' ], (int) 1 => [ 'area_id' => '2', 'name' => '練馬区', 'Ct' => '18', 'CtM' => '1' ], (int) 2 => [ 'area_id' => '3', 'name' => '中野区', 'Ct' => '8', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 3 => [ 'area_id' => '5', 'name' => '世田谷区', 'Ct' => '3', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 4 => [ 'area_id' => '8', 'name' => '新宿区', 'Ct' => '2', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 5 => [ 'area_id' => '9', 'name' => '豊島区', 'Ct' => '1', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 6 => [ 'area_id' => '10', 'name' => '渋谷区', 'Ct' => '1', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 7 => [ 'area_id' => '24', 'name' => '武蔵野市', 'Ct' => '2', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 8 => [ 'area_id' => '25', 'name' => '三鷹市', 'Ct' => '0', 'CtM' => '1' ], (int) 9 => [ 'area_id' => '28', 'name' => '西東京市', 'Ct' => '4', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 10 => [ 'area_id' => '33', 'name' => '狛江市', 'Ct' => '1', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 11 => [ 'area_id' => '35', 'name' => '東久留米市', 'Ct' => '1', 'CtM' => '0' ] ], 'railway_results' => [ (int) 0 => [ 'rway' => '11302', 'name' => 'JR山手線', 'ct' => '3' ], (int) 1 => [ 'rway' => '11312', 'name' => 'JR中央線(快速)', 'ct' => '60' ], (int) 2 => [ 'rway' => '11313', 'name' => 'JR中央・総武線', 'ct' => '5' ], (int) 3 => [ 'rway' => '21001', 'name' => '東武東上線', 'ct' => '2' ], (int) 4 => [ 'rway' => '22001', 'name' => '西武池袋線', 'ct' => '31' ], (int) 5 => [ 'rway' => '22007', 'name' => '西武新宿線', 'ct' => '53' ], (int) 6 => [ 'rway' => '24001', 'name' => '京王線', 'ct' => '13' ], (int) 7 => [ 'rway' => '24006', 'name' => '京王井の頭線', 'ct' => '29' ], (int) 8 => [ 'rway' => '24007', 'name' => '京王新線', 'ct' => '1' ], (int) 9 => [ 'rway' => '25001', 'name' => '小田急線', 'ct' => '5' ], (int) 10 => [ 'rway' => '28002', 'name' => '東京メトロ丸ノ内線', 'ct' => '23' ], (int) 11 => [ 'rway' => '28004', 'name' => '東京メトロ東西線', 'ct' => '1' ], (int) 12 => [ 'rway' => '28006', 'name' => '東京メトロ有楽町線', 'ct' => '2' ], (int) 13 => [ 'rway' => '28010', 'name' => '東京メトロ副都心線', 'ct' => '5' ], (int) 14 => [ 'rway' => '99301', 'name' => '都営大江戸線', 'ct' => '10' ] ], 'KindQuery' => object(Cake\ORM\Query) { '(help)' => 'This is a Query object, to get the results execute or iterate it.', 'sql' => 'SELECT onmanshons.id AS `onmanshons__id`, onmanshons.kind_id AS `onmanshons__kind_id`, (COUNT(*)) AS `count` FROM onmanshons onmanshons WHERE (displayFlg >= :c0 AND statusFlg = :c1 AND memberFlg = :c2 AND outlinePetYesNo = :c3) GROUP BY kind_id ', 'params' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'defaultTypes' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'decorators' => (int) 0, 'executed' => true, 'hydrate' => true, 'buffered' => true, 'formatters' => (int) 0, 'mapReducers' => (int) 0, 'contain' => [[maximum depth reached]], 'matching' => [[maximum depth reached]], 'extraOptions' => [[maximum depth reached]], 'repository' => object(App\Model\Table\OnmanshonsTable) {} }, 'OptionCT' => [ 'railway' => (int) 21, 'pet' => (int) 9, 'life' => (int) 58, 'space' => (int) 19 ], 'members_total' => '18' ] $Objects = object(Cake\ORM\ResultSet) { 'items' => [ (int) 0 => object(App\Model\Entity\Onmanshon) {}, (int) 1 => object(App\Model\Entity\Onmanshon) {}, (int) 2 => object(App\Model\Entity\Onmanshon) {}, (int) 3 => object(App\Model\Entity\Onmanshon) {}, (int) 4 => object(App\Model\Entity\Onmanshon) {}, (int) 5 => object(App\Model\Entity\Onmanshon) {}, (int) 6 => object(App\Model\Entity\Onmanshon) {}, (int) 7 => object(App\Model\Entity\Onmanshon) {}, (int) 8 => object(App\Model\Entity\Onmanshon) {} ] } $sortcmd = (int) 2 $selectName = 'ペットと暮らせるマンション' $kindcmd = (int) 4 $area_results = [ (int) 0 => [ 'area_id' => '1', 'name' => '杉並区', 'Ct' => '40', 'CtM' => '16' ], (int) 1 => [ 'area_id' => '2', 'name' => '練馬区', 'Ct' => '18', 'CtM' => '1' ], (int) 2 => [ 'area_id' => '3', 'name' => '中野区', 'Ct' => '8', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 3 => [ 'area_id' => '5', 'name' => '世田谷区', 'Ct' => '3', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 4 => [ 'area_id' => '8', 'name' => '新宿区', 'Ct' => '2', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 5 => [ 'area_id' => '9', 'name' => '豊島区', 'Ct' => '1', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 6 => [ 'area_id' => '10', 'name' => '渋谷区', 'Ct' => '1', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 7 => [ 'area_id' => '24', 'name' => '武蔵野市', 'Ct' => '2', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 8 => [ 'area_id' => '25', 'name' => '三鷹市', 'Ct' => '0', 'CtM' => '1' ], (int) 9 => [ 'area_id' => '28', 'name' => '西東京市', 'Ct' => '4', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 10 => [ 'area_id' => '33', 'name' => '狛江市', 'Ct' => '1', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 11 => [ 'area_id' => '35', 'name' => '東久留米市', 'Ct' => '1', 'CtM' => '0' ] ] $railway_results = [ (int) 0 => [ 'rway' => '11302', 'name' => 'JR山手線', 'ct' => '3' ], (int) 1 => [ 'rway' => '11312', 'name' => 'JR中央線(快速)', 'ct' => '60' ], (int) 2 => [ 'rway' => '11313', 'name' => 'JR中央・総武線', 'ct' => '5' ], (int) 3 => [ 'rway' => '21001', 'name' => '東武東上線', 'ct' => '2' ], (int) 4 => [ 'rway' => '22001', 'name' => '西武池袋線', 'ct' => '31' ], (int) 5 => [ 'rway' => '22007', 'name' => '西武新宿線', 'ct' => '53' ], (int) 6 => [ 'rway' => '24001', 'name' => '京王線', 'ct' => '13' ], (int) 7 => [ 'rway' => '24006', 'name' => '京王井の頭線', 'ct' => '29' ], (int) 8 => [ 'rway' => '24007', 'name' => '京王新線', 'ct' => '1' ], (int) 9 => [ 'rway' => '25001', 'name' => '小田急線', 'ct' => '5' ], (int) 10 => [ 'rway' => '28002', 'name' => '東京メトロ丸ノ内線', 'ct' => '23' ], (int) 11 => [ 'rway' => '28004', 'name' => '東京メトロ東西線', 'ct' => '1' ], (int) 12 => [ 'rway' => '28006', 'name' => '東京メトロ有楽町線', 'ct' => '2' ], (int) 13 => [ 'rway' => '28010', 'name' => '東京メトロ副都心線', 'ct' => '5' ], (int) 14 => [ 'rway' => '99301', 'name' => '都営大江戸線', 'ct' => '10' ] ] $KindQuery = object(Cake\ORM\Query) { '(help)' => 'This is a Query object, to get the results execute or iterate it.', 'sql' => 'SELECT onmanshons.id AS `onmanshons__id`, onmanshons.kind_id AS `onmanshons__kind_id`, (COUNT(*)) AS `count` FROM onmanshons onmanshons WHERE (displayFlg >= :c0 AND statusFlg = :c1 AND memberFlg = :c2 AND outlinePetYesNo = :c3) GROUP BY kind_id ', 'params' => [ ':c0' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], ':c1' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], ':c2' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], ':c3' => [ [maximum depth reached] ] ], 'defaultTypes' => [ 'onmanshons__id' => 'integer', 'onmanshons.id' => 'integer', 'id' => 'integer', 'onmanshons__name' => 'string', 'onmanshons.name' => 'string', 'name' => 'string', 'onmanshons__mbAddress' => 'string', 'onmanshons.mbAddress' => 'string', 'mbAddress' => 'string', 'onmanshons__displayFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.displayFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'displayFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__statusFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.statusFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'statusFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__area_id' => 'integer', 'onmanshons.area_id' => 'integer', 'area_id' => 'integer', 'onmanshons__kind_id' => 'integer', 'onmanshons.kind_id' => 'integer', 'kind_id' => 'integer', 'onmanshons__newoldFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.newoldFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'newoldFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__tour_id' => 'integer', 'onmanshons.tour_id' => 'integer', 'tour_id' => 'integer', 'onmanshons__topDispFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.topDispFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'topDispFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__recommFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.recommFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'recommFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__railway_id1' => 'integer', 'onmanshons.railway_id1' => 'integer', 'railway_id1' => 'integer', 'onmanshons__railway_id2' => 'integer', 'onmanshons.railway_id2' => 'integer', 'railway_id2' => 'integer', 'onmanshons__railway_id3' => 'integer', 'onmanshons.railway_id3' => 'integer', 'railway_id3' => 'integer', 'onmanshons__station_id1' => 'integer', 'onmanshons.station_id1' => 'integer', 'station_id1' => 'integer', 'onmanshons__station_id2' => 'integer', 'onmanshons.station_id2' => 'integer', 'station_id2' => 'integer', 'onmanshons__station_id3' => 'integer', 'onmanshons.station_id3' => 'integer', 'station_id3' => 'integer', 'onmanshons__stwalk1' => 'string', 'onmanshons.stwalk1' => 'string', 'stwalk1' => 'string', 'onmanshons__stwalk2' => 'string', 'onmanshons.stwalk2' => 'string', 'stwalk2' => 'string', 'onmanshons__stwalk3' => 'string', 'onmanshons.stwalk3' => 'string', 'stwalk3' => 'string', 'onmanshons__bswalk1' => 'string', 'onmanshons.bswalk1' => 'string', 'bswalk1' => 'string', 'onmanshons__bswalk2' => 'string', 'onmanshons.bswalk2' => 'string', 'bswalk2' => 'string', 'onmanshons__bswalk3' => 'string', 'onmanshons.bswalk3' => 'string', 'bswalk3' => 'string', 'onmanshons__catchCopy' => 'string', 'onmanshons.catchCopy' => 'string', 'catchCopy' => 'string', 'onmanshons__stationStart' => 'string', 'onmanshons.stationStart' => 'string', 'stationStart' => 'string', 'onmanshons__stationTo1' => 'string', 'onmanshons.stationTo1' => 'string', 'stationTo1' => 'string', 'onmanshons__stationTo2' => 'string', 'onmanshons.stationTo2' => 'string', 'stationTo2' => 'string', 'onmanshons__stationTo3' => 'string', 'onmanshons.stationTo3' => 'string', 'stationTo3' => 'string', 'onmanshons__stationTo4' => 'string', 'onmanshons.stationTo4' => 'string', 'stationTo4' => 'string', 'onmanshons__trainTime1' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.trainTime1' => 'tinyinteger', 'trainTime1' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__trainTime2' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.trainTime2' => 'tinyinteger', 'trainTime2' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__trainTime3' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.trainTime3' => 'tinyinteger', 'trainTime3' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__trainTime4' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.trainTime4' => 'tinyinteger', 'trainTime4' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__trainDirect1' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.trainDirect1' => 'tinyinteger', 'trainDirect1' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__trainDirect2' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.trainDirect2' => 'tinyinteger', 'trainDirect2' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__trainDirect3' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.trainDirect3' => 'tinyinteger', 'trainDirect3' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__trainDirect4' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.trainDirect4' => 'tinyinteger', 'trainDirect4' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__trainVia1' => 'string', 'onmanshons.trainVia1' => 'string', 'trainVia1' => 'string', 'onmanshons__trainVia2' => 'string', 'onmanshons.trainVia2' => 'string', 'trainVia2' => 'string', 'onmanshons__trainVia3' => 'string', 'onmanshons.trainVia3' => 'string', 'trainVia3' => 'string', 'onmanshons__trainVia4' => 'string', 'onmanshons.trainVia4' => 'string', 'trainVia4' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.locationFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'locationFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__locationTitle1' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTitle1' => 'string', 'locationTitle1' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTitle2' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTitle2' => 'string', 'locationTitle2' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt1' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt1' => 'string', 'locationTxt1' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt2' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt2' => 'string', 'locationTxt2' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt3' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt3' => 'string', 'locationTxt3' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt4' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt4' => 'string', 'locationTxt4' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt5' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt5' => 'string', 'locationTxt5' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt6' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt6' => 'string', 'locationTxt6' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt7' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt7' => 'string', 'locationTxt7' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt8' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt8' => 'string', 'locationTxt8' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt9' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt9' => 'string', 'locationTxt9' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt10' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt10' => 'string', 'locationTxt10' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt11' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt11' => 'string', 'locationTxt11' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt12' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt12' => 'string', 'locationTxt12' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt13' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt13' => 'string', 'locationTxt13' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt14' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt14' => 'string', 'locationTxt14' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt15' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt15' => 'string', 'locationTxt15' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt16' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt16' => 'string', 'locationTxt16' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt17' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt17' => 'string', 'locationTxt17' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt18' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt18' => 'string', 'locationTxt18' => 'string', 'onmanshons__galleryTxt1' => 'string', 'onmanshons.galleryTxt1' => 'string', 'galleryTxt1' => 'string', 'onmanshons__galleryTxt2' => 'string', 'onmanshons.galleryTxt2' => 'string', 'galleryTxt2' => 'string', 'onmanshons__galleryTxt3' => 'string', 'onmanshons.galleryTxt3' => 'string', 'galleryTxt3' => 'string', 'onmanshons__galleryTxt4' => 'string', 'onmanshons.galleryTxt4' => 'string', 'galleryTxt4' => 'string', 'onmanshons__galleryTxt5' => 'string', 'onmanshons.galleryTxt5' => 'string', 'galleryTxt5' => 'string', 'onmanshons__galleryTxt6' => 'string', 'onmanshons.galleryTxt6' => 'string', 'galleryTxt6' => 'string', 'onmanshons__galleryTxt7' => 'string', 'onmanshons.galleryTxt7' => 'string', 'galleryTxt7' => 'string', 'onmanshons__galleryTxt8' => 'string', 'onmanshons.galleryTxt8' => 'string', 'galleryTxt8' => 'string', 'onmanshons__galleryTxt9' => 'string', 'onmanshons.galleryTxt9' => 'string', 'galleryTxt9' => 'string', 'onmanshons__galleryTxt10' => 'string', 'onmanshons.galleryTxt10' => 'string', 'galleryTxt10' => 'string', 'onmanshons__galleryTxt11' => 'string', 'onmanshons.galleryTxt11' => 'string', 'galleryTxt11' => 'string', 'onmanshons__galleryTxt12' => 'string', 'onmanshons.galleryTxt12' => 'string', 'galleryTxt12' => 'string', 'onmanshons__galleryTxt13' => 'string', 'onmanshons.galleryTxt13' => 'string', 'galleryTxt13' => 'string', 'onmanshons__galleryTxt14' => 'string', 'onmanshons.galleryTxt14' => 'string', 'galleryTxt14' => 'string', 'onmanshons__galleryTxt15' => 'string', 'onmanshons.galleryTxt15' => 'string', 'galleryTxt15' => 'string', 'onmanshons__galleryTxt16' => 'string', 'onmanshons.galleryTxt16' => 'string', 'galleryTxt16' => 'string', 'onmanshons__galleryTxt17' => 'string', 'onmanshons.galleryTxt17' => 'string', 'galleryTxt17' => 'string', 'onmanshons__galleryTxt18' => 'string', 'onmanshons.galleryTxt18' => 'string', 'galleryTxt18' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTraffic' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTraffic' => 'string', 'locationTraffic' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationSchool' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationSchool' => 'string', 'locationSchool' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationLife' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationLife' => 'string', 'locationLife' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationOther' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationOther' => 'string', 'locationOther' => 'string', 'onmanshons__planFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.planFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'planFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__outlinePrice' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlinePrice' => 'string', 'outlinePrice' => 'string', 'onmanshons__outlinePriceNum' => 'integer', 'onmanshons.outlinePriceNum' => 'integer', 'outlinePriceNum' => 'integer', 'onmanshons__outlinePlace' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlinePlace' => 'string', 'outlinePlace' => 'string', 'onmanshons__outlineTraffic' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlineTraffic' => 'string', 'outlineTraffic' => 'string', 'onmanshons__outlineChiken' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.outlineChiken' => 'tinyinteger', 'outlineChiken' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__outlineSite' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlineSite' => 'string', 'outlineSite' => 'string', 'onmanshons__outlineRoomSite' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlineRoomSite' => 'string', 'outlineRoomSite' => 'string', 'onmanshons__outlineUse1' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlineUse1' => 'string', 'outlineUse1' => 'string', 'onmanshons__outlineUse2' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlineUse2' => 'string', 'outlineUse2' => 'string', 'onmanshons__outlinePlots' => 'integer', 'onmanshons.outlinePlots' => 'integer', 'outlinePlots' => 'integer', 'onmanshons__outlineConstruction' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlineConstruction' => 'string', 'outlineConstruction' => 'string', 'onmanshons__outlineFloorPlan' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlineFloorPlan' => 'string', 'outlineFloorPlan' => 'string', 'onmanshons__outlineCompTime' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlineCompTime' => 'string', 'outlineCompTime' => 'string', 'onmanshons__outlineSaleCo' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlineSaleCo' => 'string', 'outlineSaleCo' => 'string', 'onmanshons__outlineSekoCo' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlineSekoCo' => 'string', 'outlineSekoCo' => 'string', 'onmanshons__outlineManaCo' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlineManaCo' => 'string', 'outlineManaCo' => 'string', 'onmanshons__outlineManeForm' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlineManeForm' => 'string', 'outlineManeForm' => 'string', 'onmanshons__outlineManaMeth' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlineManaMeth' => 'string', 'outlineManaMeth' => 'string', 'onmanshons__outlineParkYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.outlineParkYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'outlineParkYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__outlineParkAkiYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.outlineParkAkiYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'outlineParkAkiYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__outlineParkPrice' => 'decimal', 'onmanshons.outlineParkPrice' => 'decimal', 'outlineParkPrice' => 'decimal', 'onmanshons__outlineParkPrice2' => 'decimal', 'onmanshons.outlineParkPrice2' => 'decimal', 'outlineParkPrice2' => 'decimal', 'onmanshons__outlineTrunkYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.outlineTrunkYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'outlineTrunkYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__outlineHotWater' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlineHotWater' => 'string', 'outlineHotWater' => 'string', 'onmanshons__outlineGas' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlineGas' => 'string', 'outlineGas' => 'string', 'onmanshons__outlineElevatorYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.outlineElevatorYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'outlineElevatorYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__outlineDeliBoxYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.outlineDeliBoxYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'outlineDeliBoxYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__outlinePetYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.outlinePetYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'outlinePetYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__outlinePetRoules' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlinePetRoules' => 'string', 'outlinePetRoules' => 'string', 'onmanshons__outlineDelivTime' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlineDelivTime' => 'string', 'outlineDelivTime' => 'string', 'onmanshons__outlineTransForm' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlineTransForm' => 'string', 'outlineTransForm' => 'string', 'onmanshons__outlineEquipment' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlineEquipment' => 'string', 'outlineEquipment' => 'string', 'onmanshons__outlineComment' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlineComment' => 'string', 'outlineComment' => 'string', 'onmanshons__outlineSchool' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlineSchool' => 'string', 'outlineSchool' => 'string', 'onmanshons__googleMap' => 'string', 'onmanshons.googleMap' => 'string', 'googleMap' => 'string', 'onmanshons__memo' => 'string', 'onmanshons.memo' => 'string', 'memo' => 'string', 'onmanshons__priceFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.priceFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'priceFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__newFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.newFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'newFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__lastFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.lastFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'lastFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__topImgFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.topImgFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'topImgFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__memberFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.memberFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'memberFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__deleteFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.deleteFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'deleteFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__created' => 'datetime', 'onmanshons.created' => 'datetime', 'created' => 'datetime', 'onmanshons__modified' => 'datetime', 'onmanshons.modified' => 'datetime', 'modified' => 'datetime' ], 'decorators' => (int) 0, 'executed' => true, 'hydrate' => true, 'buffered' => true, 'formatters' => (int) 0, 'mapReducers' => (int) 0, 'contain' => [], 'matching' => [], 'extraOptions' => [], 'repository' => object(App\Model\Table\OnmanshonsTable) {} } $OptionCT = [ 'railway' => (int) 21, 'pet' => (int) 9, 'life' => (int) 58, 'space' => (int) 19 ] $members_total = '18' $dat = [ 'rway' => '99301', 'name' => '都営大江戸線', 'ct' => '10' ] $key = (int) 14 $CtMember = ''include - APP/Template/Element/search_Area_Railway.ctp, line 89 Cake\View\View::_evaluate() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 1420 Cake\View\View::_render() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 1381 Cake\View\View::_renderElement() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 1857 Cake\View\View::element() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 782 include - APP/Template/Option/index.ctp, line 474 Cake\View\View::_evaluate() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 1420 Cake\View\View::_render() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 1381 Cake\View\View::render() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 879 Cake\Controller\Controller::render() - CORE/src/Controller/Controller.php, line 795 App\Controller\PetController::index() - APP/Controller/PetController.php, line 145 Cake\Controller\Controller::invokeAction() - CORE/src/Controller/Controller.php, line 609 Cake\Http\ActionDispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/src/Http/ActionDispatcher.php, line 120 Cake\Http\ActionDispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/src/Http/ActionDispatcher.php, line 94 Cake\Http\BaseApplication::__invoke() - CORE/src/Http/BaseApplication.php, line 234 Cake\Http\Runner::__invoke() - CORE/src/Http/Runner.php, line 65
Warning (2): Invalid argument supplied for foreach() [APP/Template/Element/search_Area_Railway.ctp, line 89]Code Context<?php
foreach($area_results_member as $key => $dat){
$viewFile = '/data/WWW/rainbow/test.life-hf.co.jp/htdocs/src/Template/Element/search_Area_Railway.ctp' $dataForView = [ 'Objects' => object(Cake\ORM\ResultSet) { 'items' => [ [maximum depth reached] ] }, 'sortcmd' => (int) 2, 'selectName' => 'ペットと暮らせるマンション', 'kindcmd' => (int) 4, 'area_results' => [ (int) 0 => [ 'area_id' => '1', 'name' => '杉並区', 'Ct' => '40', 'CtM' => '16' ], (int) 1 => [ 'area_id' => '2', 'name' => '練馬区', 'Ct' => '18', 'CtM' => '1' ], (int) 2 => [ 'area_id' => '3', 'name' => '中野区', 'Ct' => '8', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 3 => [ 'area_id' => '5', 'name' => '世田谷区', 'Ct' => '3', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 4 => [ 'area_id' => '8', 'name' => '新宿区', 'Ct' => '2', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 5 => [ 'area_id' => '9', 'name' => '豊島区', 'Ct' => '1', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 6 => [ 'area_id' => '10', 'name' => '渋谷区', 'Ct' => '1', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 7 => [ 'area_id' => '24', 'name' => '武蔵野市', 'Ct' => '2', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 8 => [ 'area_id' => '25', 'name' => '三鷹市', 'Ct' => '0', 'CtM' => '1' ], (int) 9 => [ 'area_id' => '28', 'name' => '西東京市', 'Ct' => '4', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 10 => [ 'area_id' => '33', 'name' => '狛江市', 'Ct' => '1', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 11 => [ 'area_id' => '35', 'name' => '東久留米市', 'Ct' => '1', 'CtM' => '0' ] ], 'railway_results' => [ (int) 0 => [ 'rway' => '11302', 'name' => 'JR山手線', 'ct' => '3' ], (int) 1 => [ 'rway' => '11312', 'name' => 'JR中央線(快速)', 'ct' => '60' ], (int) 2 => [ 'rway' => '11313', 'name' => 'JR中央・総武線', 'ct' => '5' ], (int) 3 => [ 'rway' => '21001', 'name' => '東武東上線', 'ct' => '2' ], (int) 4 => [ 'rway' => '22001', 'name' => '西武池袋線', 'ct' => '31' ], (int) 5 => [ 'rway' => '22007', 'name' => '西武新宿線', 'ct' => '53' ], (int) 6 => [ 'rway' => '24001', 'name' => '京王線', 'ct' => '13' ], (int) 7 => [ 'rway' => '24006', 'name' => '京王井の頭線', 'ct' => '29' ], (int) 8 => [ 'rway' => '24007', 'name' => '京王新線', 'ct' => '1' ], (int) 9 => [ 'rway' => '25001', 'name' => '小田急線', 'ct' => '5' ], (int) 10 => [ 'rway' => '28002', 'name' => '東京メトロ丸ノ内線', 'ct' => '23' ], (int) 11 => [ 'rway' => '28004', 'name' => '東京メトロ東西線', 'ct' => '1' ], (int) 12 => [ 'rway' => '28006', 'name' => '東京メトロ有楽町線', 'ct' => '2' ], (int) 13 => [ 'rway' => '28010', 'name' => '東京メトロ副都心線', 'ct' => '5' ], (int) 14 => [ 'rway' => '99301', 'name' => '都営大江戸線', 'ct' => '10' ] ], 'KindQuery' => object(Cake\ORM\Query) { '(help)' => 'This is a Query object, to get the results execute or iterate it.', 'sql' => 'SELECT onmanshons.id AS `onmanshons__id`, onmanshons.kind_id AS `onmanshons__kind_id`, (COUNT(*)) AS `count` FROM onmanshons onmanshons WHERE (displayFlg >= :c0 AND statusFlg = :c1 AND memberFlg = :c2 AND outlinePetYesNo = :c3) GROUP BY kind_id ', 'params' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'defaultTypes' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'decorators' => (int) 0, 'executed' => true, 'hydrate' => true, 'buffered' => true, 'formatters' => (int) 0, 'mapReducers' => (int) 0, 'contain' => [[maximum depth reached]], 'matching' => [[maximum depth reached]], 'extraOptions' => [[maximum depth reached]], 'repository' => object(App\Model\Table\OnmanshonsTable) {} }, 'OptionCT' => [ 'railway' => (int) 21, 'pet' => (int) 9, 'life' => (int) 58, 'space' => (int) 19 ], 'members_total' => '18' ] $Objects = object(Cake\ORM\ResultSet) { 'items' => [ (int) 0 => object(App\Model\Entity\Onmanshon) {}, (int) 1 => object(App\Model\Entity\Onmanshon) {}, (int) 2 => object(App\Model\Entity\Onmanshon) {}, (int) 3 => object(App\Model\Entity\Onmanshon) {}, (int) 4 => object(App\Model\Entity\Onmanshon) {}, (int) 5 => object(App\Model\Entity\Onmanshon) {}, (int) 6 => object(App\Model\Entity\Onmanshon) {}, (int) 7 => object(App\Model\Entity\Onmanshon) {}, (int) 8 => object(App\Model\Entity\Onmanshon) {} ] } $sortcmd = (int) 2 $selectName = 'ペットと暮らせるマンション' $kindcmd = (int) 4 $area_results = [ (int) 0 => [ 'area_id' => '1', 'name' => '杉並区', 'Ct' => '40', 'CtM' => '16' ], (int) 1 => [ 'area_id' => '2', 'name' => '練馬区', 'Ct' => '18', 'CtM' => '1' ], (int) 2 => [ 'area_id' => '3', 'name' => '中野区', 'Ct' => '8', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 3 => [ 'area_id' => '5', 'name' => '世田谷区', 'Ct' => '3', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 4 => [ 'area_id' => '8', 'name' => '新宿区', 'Ct' => '2', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 5 => [ 'area_id' => '9', 'name' => '豊島区', 'Ct' => '1', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 6 => [ 'area_id' => '10', 'name' => '渋谷区', 'Ct' => '1', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 7 => [ 'area_id' => '24', 'name' => '武蔵野市', 'Ct' => '2', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 8 => [ 'area_id' => '25', 'name' => '三鷹市', 'Ct' => '0', 'CtM' => '1' ], (int) 9 => [ 'area_id' => '28', 'name' => '西東京市', 'Ct' => '4', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 10 => [ 'area_id' => '33', 'name' => '狛江市', 'Ct' => '1', 'CtM' => '0' ], (int) 11 => [ 'area_id' => '35', 'name' => '東久留米市', 'Ct' => '1', 'CtM' => '0' ] ] $railway_results = [ (int) 0 => [ 'rway' => '11302', 'name' => 'JR山手線', 'ct' => '3' ], (int) 1 => [ 'rway' => '11312', 'name' => 'JR中央線(快速)', 'ct' => '60' ], (int) 2 => [ 'rway' => '11313', 'name' => 'JR中央・総武線', 'ct' => '5' ], (int) 3 => [ 'rway' => '21001', 'name' => '東武東上線', 'ct' => '2' ], (int) 4 => [ 'rway' => '22001', 'name' => '西武池袋線', 'ct' => '31' ], (int) 5 => [ 'rway' => '22007', 'name' => '西武新宿線', 'ct' => '53' ], (int) 6 => [ 'rway' => '24001', 'name' => '京王線', 'ct' => '13' ], (int) 7 => [ 'rway' => '24006', 'name' => '京王井の頭線', 'ct' => '29' ], (int) 8 => [ 'rway' => '24007', 'name' => '京王新線', 'ct' => '1' ], (int) 9 => [ 'rway' => '25001', 'name' => '小田急線', 'ct' => '5' ], (int) 10 => [ 'rway' => '28002', 'name' => '東京メトロ丸ノ内線', 'ct' => '23' ], (int) 11 => [ 'rway' => '28004', 'name' => '東京メトロ東西線', 'ct' => '1' ], (int) 12 => [ 'rway' => '28006', 'name' => '東京メトロ有楽町線', 'ct' => '2' ], (int) 13 => [ 'rway' => '28010', 'name' => '東京メトロ副都心線', 'ct' => '5' ], (int) 14 => [ 'rway' => '99301', 'name' => '都営大江戸線', 'ct' => '10' ] ] $KindQuery = object(Cake\ORM\Query) { '(help)' => 'This is a Query object, to get the results execute or iterate it.', 'sql' => 'SELECT onmanshons.id AS `onmanshons__id`, onmanshons.kind_id AS `onmanshons__kind_id`, (COUNT(*)) AS `count` FROM onmanshons onmanshons WHERE (displayFlg >= :c0 AND statusFlg = :c1 AND memberFlg = :c2 AND outlinePetYesNo = :c3) GROUP BY kind_id ', 'params' => [ ':c0' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], ':c1' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], ':c2' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], ':c3' => [ [maximum depth reached] ] ], 'defaultTypes' => [ 'onmanshons__id' => 'integer', 'onmanshons.id' => 'integer', 'id' => 'integer', 'onmanshons__name' => 'string', 'onmanshons.name' => 'string', 'name' => 'string', 'onmanshons__mbAddress' => 'string', 'onmanshons.mbAddress' => 'string', 'mbAddress' => 'string', 'onmanshons__displayFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.displayFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'displayFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__statusFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.statusFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'statusFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__area_id' => 'integer', 'onmanshons.area_id' => 'integer', 'area_id' => 'integer', 'onmanshons__kind_id' => 'integer', 'onmanshons.kind_id' => 'integer', 'kind_id' => 'integer', 'onmanshons__newoldFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.newoldFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'newoldFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__tour_id' => 'integer', 'onmanshons.tour_id' => 'integer', 'tour_id' => 'integer', 'onmanshons__topDispFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.topDispFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'topDispFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__recommFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.recommFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'recommFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__railway_id1' => 'integer', 'onmanshons.railway_id1' => 'integer', 'railway_id1' => 'integer', 'onmanshons__railway_id2' => 'integer', 'onmanshons.railway_id2' => 'integer', 'railway_id2' => 'integer', 'onmanshons__railway_id3' => 'integer', 'onmanshons.railway_id3' => 'integer', 'railway_id3' => 'integer', 'onmanshons__station_id1' => 'integer', 'onmanshons.station_id1' => 'integer', 'station_id1' => 'integer', 'onmanshons__station_id2' => 'integer', 'onmanshons.station_id2' => 'integer', 'station_id2' => 'integer', 'onmanshons__station_id3' => 'integer', 'onmanshons.station_id3' => 'integer', 'station_id3' => 'integer', 'onmanshons__stwalk1' => 'string', 'onmanshons.stwalk1' => 'string', 'stwalk1' => 'string', 'onmanshons__stwalk2' => 'string', 'onmanshons.stwalk2' => 'string', 'stwalk2' => 'string', 'onmanshons__stwalk3' => 'string', 'onmanshons.stwalk3' => 'string', 'stwalk3' => 'string', 'onmanshons__bswalk1' => 'string', 'onmanshons.bswalk1' => 'string', 'bswalk1' => 'string', 'onmanshons__bswalk2' => 'string', 'onmanshons.bswalk2' => 'string', 'bswalk2' => 'string', 'onmanshons__bswalk3' => 'string', 'onmanshons.bswalk3' => 'string', 'bswalk3' => 'string', 'onmanshons__catchCopy' => 'string', 'onmanshons.catchCopy' => 'string', 'catchCopy' => 'string', 'onmanshons__stationStart' => 'string', 'onmanshons.stationStart' => 'string', 'stationStart' => 'string', 'onmanshons__stationTo1' => 'string', 'onmanshons.stationTo1' => 'string', 'stationTo1' => 'string', 'onmanshons__stationTo2' => 'string', 'onmanshons.stationTo2' => 'string', 'stationTo2' => 'string', 'onmanshons__stationTo3' => 'string', 'onmanshons.stationTo3' => 'string', 'stationTo3' => 'string', 'onmanshons__stationTo4' => 'string', 'onmanshons.stationTo4' => 'string', 'stationTo4' => 'string', 'onmanshons__trainTime1' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.trainTime1' => 'tinyinteger', 'trainTime1' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__trainTime2' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.trainTime2' => 'tinyinteger', 'trainTime2' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__trainTime3' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.trainTime3' => 'tinyinteger', 'trainTime3' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__trainTime4' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.trainTime4' => 'tinyinteger', 'trainTime4' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__trainDirect1' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.trainDirect1' => 'tinyinteger', 'trainDirect1' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__trainDirect2' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.trainDirect2' => 'tinyinteger', 'trainDirect2' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__trainDirect3' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.trainDirect3' => 'tinyinteger', 'trainDirect3' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__trainDirect4' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.trainDirect4' => 'tinyinteger', 'trainDirect4' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__trainVia1' => 'string', 'onmanshons.trainVia1' => 'string', 'trainVia1' => 'string', 'onmanshons__trainVia2' => 'string', 'onmanshons.trainVia2' => 'string', 'trainVia2' => 'string', 'onmanshons__trainVia3' => 'string', 'onmanshons.trainVia3' => 'string', 'trainVia3' => 'string', 'onmanshons__trainVia4' => 'string', 'onmanshons.trainVia4' => 'string', 'trainVia4' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.locationFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'locationFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__locationTitle1' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTitle1' => 'string', 'locationTitle1' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTitle2' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTitle2' => 'string', 'locationTitle2' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt1' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt1' => 'string', 'locationTxt1' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt2' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt2' => 'string', 'locationTxt2' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt3' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt3' => 'string', 'locationTxt3' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt4' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt4' => 'string', 'locationTxt4' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt5' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt5' => 'string', 'locationTxt5' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt6' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt6' => 'string', 'locationTxt6' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt7' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt7' => 'string', 'locationTxt7' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt8' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt8' => 'string', 'locationTxt8' => 'string', 'onmanshons__locationTxt9' => 'string', 'onmanshons.locationTxt9' => 'string', 'locationTxt9' => 'string', 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'decimal', 'outlineParkPrice2' => 'decimal', 'onmanshons__outlineTrunkYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.outlineTrunkYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'outlineTrunkYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__outlineHotWater' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlineHotWater' => 'string', 'outlineHotWater' => 'string', 'onmanshons__outlineGas' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlineGas' => 'string', 'outlineGas' => 'string', 'onmanshons__outlineElevatorYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.outlineElevatorYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'outlineElevatorYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__outlineDeliBoxYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.outlineDeliBoxYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'outlineDeliBoxYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__outlinePetYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.outlinePetYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'outlinePetYesNo' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__outlinePetRoules' => 'string', 'onmanshons.outlinePetRoules' => 'string', 'outlinePetRoules' => 'string', 'onmanshons__outlineDelivTime' => 'string', 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'tinyinteger', 'lastFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__topImgFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.topImgFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'topImgFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__memberFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.memberFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'memberFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__deleteFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons.deleteFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'deleteFlg' => 'tinyinteger', 'onmanshons__created' => 'datetime', 'onmanshons.created' => 'datetime', 'created' => 'datetime', 'onmanshons__modified' => 'datetime', 'onmanshons.modified' => 'datetime', 'modified' => 'datetime' ], 'decorators' => (int) 0, 'executed' => true, 'hydrate' => true, 'buffered' => true, 'formatters' => (int) 0, 'mapReducers' => (int) 0, 'contain' => [], 'matching' => [], 'extraOptions' => [], 'repository' => object(App\Model\Table\OnmanshonsTable) {} } $OptionCT = [ 'railway' => (int) 21, 'pet' => (int) 9, 'life' => (int) 58, 'space' => (int) 19 ] $members_total = '18' $dat = [ 'rway' => '99301', 'name' => '都営大江戸線', 'ct' => '10' ] $key = (int) 14 $CtMember = ''include - APP/Template/Element/search_Area_Railway.ctp, line 89 Cake\View\View::_evaluate() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 1420 Cake\View\View::_render() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 1381 Cake\View\View::_renderElement() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 1857 Cake\View\View::element() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 782 include - APP/Template/Option/index.ctp, line 474 Cake\View\View::_evaluate() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 1420 Cake\View\View::_render() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 1381 Cake\View\View::render() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 879 Cake\Controller\Controller::render() - CORE/src/Controller/Controller.php, line 795 App\Controller\PetController::index() - APP/Controller/PetController.php, line 145 Cake\Controller\Controller::invokeAction() - CORE/src/Controller/Controller.php, line 609 Cake\Http\ActionDispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/src/Http/ActionDispatcher.php, line 120 Cake\Http\ActionDispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/src/Http/ActionDispatcher.php, line 94 Cake\Http\BaseApplication::__invoke() - CORE/src/Http/BaseApplication.php, line 234 Cake\Http\Runner::__invoke() - CORE/src/Http/Runner.php, line 65
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